If you receiving periodic payments from a structured settlement or annuity you may want to entertain the possibility of selling your stream of future payments for a lump sum cash pay out. Rather than receive smaller payments, the lump sum settlement of your annuity will give you cash that you may need to buy a home, take a vacation or pay for a college education.
Many companies buy structured settlement payments or payment annuities and convert them to a single pay out. This is helpful if you need cash now from:
bullet Periodic payment from investment annuities
bullet You have settled insurance claims and receive monthly payments.
bullet You receive other larger periodic lump sum payments, such as lottery or inheritance monies.
bullet You are carrying mortgage notes or trust deeds against a property.
bullet You have sold a business by carrying paper to facilitate the sale and want to receive a lump sum payment.
A company that buys structured settlements will convert your periodic payments into a lump sum amount. In turn, the structured settlement company will now be the recipient of the stream of the monthly payments which you formerly received.
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Thanks for sharing such a great information about Sell A Payment Annuity. Keep doing such a posting, so readers can get maximum benefits. Thanks once again
Sell Structured Settlement Annuity
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